Have You Said This in A While?

If you’re guessing that we are going to suggest that you say “Thank You!” more often, you are close, but no cookie! While you should always thank your clients for choosing you as their Stylist, we suggest taking this a step further to truly share the depth of your gratitude with your loyal clients.

This might seem scary at first, but do not worry! We are going to walk you through how to share your authentic appreciation with your clients and why it is so important.

How To Spill The Beans

Before you share a mini heart-to-heart with your client, it is important to look at them face-to-face. This means turning your client to face you in the chair instead of standing behind them (hint: try sitting on a cutting stool). Becoming eye-level with your client removes the feeling that you are in an authority position and instead makes the client feel like they are chatting with a friend.

Once you are face-to-face, share your genuine, open, and authentic appreciation for your client. If you’re drawing a blank, here’s a little help: “You know what? I just want you to know how much I appreciate that you continue to choose our hair salon and me as your stylist. It means a lot to me, and I’m really thankful for the relationship that we’ve built.” That’s it! We promise it is as simple as it seems!

Relationships: It’s What We Get Paid For

As hair professionals, we must never forget that our clients are our livelihood. One of the top three reasons that a client would leave you is because they think that you wouldn’t notice. Since we know that isn’t true, don’t miss the opportunity to take these special moments to let your clients know that you are very, very appreciative for them!

We are so lucky to be part of an industry that is rooted in building and maintaining fabulous relationships. As a Stylist, you really become part of your clients’ lives as they share with you their biggest secrets, thrills, and experiences. It doesn’t matter how great you are technically behind the chair; you must be able to show humble gratitude to your clients to build a strong following.

We all know how amazing it feels when someone tells you how much you mean to them, so pay it forward and pass along your sincere appreciation to your clients!

To get more industry advice, make sure to follow Beyond the Technique on social media and listen to our weekly podcast!