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Why Hire A Salon Business Coach
Who taught you how to run a business? For most, the answer is, no one! Most salon owners start their salon because they either don’t want a boss, they believe they could do it better than their boss, or they have a dream of providing an amazing environment for hair stylists like themselves. Most dive head first into the deep end—and it’s sink or swim. Am I getting warm? We get it because we’ve been there!
Our founder and salon business coach is a salon owner herself. She also hired her first business coach in 2012. Within her first year of coaching, her salon’s profit grew by over 838%! That’s not a typo friends, it was a matter of learning and implementing new ideas. If you’re thinking you’re not smart enough, technically savvy enough, or confident enough to have that kind of success, we’re here to tell you—that’s not true. We will not allow you to fail. In fact, we know that if you tap into the resources we have, there’s no way you won’t improve. Your salon business will grow, and your life will be better.
If you don’t know where you’ll be next year, you’re already there. The question is, are you cool with that? If you’re ready for someone to mentor you, to be the coach in your corner, be present for your victories, and there to pick you up when you experience loss, then hiring our salon business coach is the right call. Not only do we provide business advice that’s custom to you and your salon, we also provide salon classes for your team that help improve their productivity, performance, and lives.
There are three ways we can work together. First, we can visit your salon for an in-person development class. Who doesn’t love education when it focuses on personal and professional growth? Millennials are looking for salons that will provide opportunities for growth. The second way we work together is through one on one virtual coaching sessions. Think of this as a regular business class for salon owners only—and just happens to be all about you. Finally, we offer group mastermind sessions. This will help you hear the best ideas, biggest challenges, and gain additional perspectives from other salon owners across the U.S. who are just like you.
We know that not every salon owner has the same strengths. We have different weaknesses as well. We help you with your financials and your training process for new and seasoned hires. We teach you the newest marketing strategies our industry has available, you’ll learn how to use social media effectively and what your website should and should not have. We train you how to recruit and how to fire when necessary, how to implement new, seemingly painful processes and/or systems, and how to achieve more retail sales, service sales, and gain the loyalty from returning guests. We could go on…the point is, we know business! We’re good at it and you can be good at it too.
The long story short is, if you want more money in your pocket without it costing you more of your time, then sign up for salon coaching today.
““In between mentoring sessions, BTT’s podcasts keep me continually learning. There are so many usable tips and tricks they share!””